all postcodes in CB1 / CAMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB1 2AB 28 1 52.201541 0.133791
CB1 2AD 67 18 52.20115 0.133814
CB1 2AG 6 0 52.197464 0.138759
CB1 2AH 30 0 52.202419 0.134768
CB1 2AJ 50 0 52.201183 0.137681
CB1 2AL 33 0 52.201814 0.1349
CB1 2AN 18 0 52.201624 0.13517
CB1 2AP 1 1 52.200948 0.135255
CB1 2AQ 28 0 52.202277 0.133387
CB1 2AS 43 19 52.200484 0.135817
CB1 2AT 6 0 52.197197 0.138836
CB1 2AW 39 6 52.200533 0.13658
CB1 2AX 42 0 52.201408 0.136184
CB1 2AY 41 0 52.201228 0.136688
CB1 2AZ 16 8 52.199344 0.139698
CB1 2BB 33 0 52.196699 0.13849
CB1 2BD 33 17 52.19965 0.137679
CB1 2BE 1 1 52.199409 0.138342
CB1 2BH 42 2 52.197976 0.138522
CB1 2BJ 1 1 52.198226 0.139588